Fine Art at a Cancer Research Lab / by Trish Garrett Fox

80,000 Square Feet
Marina del Rey, CA

BRIEF: The lab is on the ground floor at approximately 40,000 square feet. Management and Executive Offices are on the top floor equal to the first floor at 40,000 square feet.

PLAN: Laboratory areas consist of many of corridors. The corridors need to be made friendly. We recommend the use of poster art on the first floor and step up the quality of art on the 2nd floor.

PROCESS:  Our design services included the careful selection of art mediums to positively delineate the way different areas of the building are used, making sure that the scale and selection of the art was appropriate for each location, achieving a flow from one type of imagery to another and located so that the artwork would get the most impact.

Cancer Research Lab


  1. Private Offices: FAM worked with the managers in the selection of art for their offices so that the images that were selected were consistent with the company's message yet allowed the individuals to feel acknowledged, refreshed and inspired.
  2. Reception and Focal Areas: Original art created impact in the reception area and focal area stairwell leading to the executive suite.
  3. Matting and framing was selected to complement the art and unify the space.


  1. The artwork in the reception and focal areas set a welcoming tone and added to the designed interior.
  2. The sterile corridors were transformed with beautifully framed art that transcends the joy of art into the technicians' and visitors' lives.
  3. FAM's design and professional project management services met the objectives and created an exciting unified whole.